1 d - Translate

Gal 5: 22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

The spirit in this verse in the KJV does not refer to the

Holy Spirit but the regenrated spirit of man. The same word

translated here, which is PNEUMA is also translated as the

spirit of man(1 Cor 5:5) and the Holy Spirit(John 3:8). The

translators are not suppose to have rendered the letter "s"

in capital letter to denote the Holy spirit but small

letter to denote the spirit of man.

Spiritual facts that support the this truth
1) In Law of comparison, you compare entities that are anronuyms with opposite features or

In Gal 5:19,22, the comparison is between the flesh and the spirit of man. It could not have been between the flesh and the Spirit of God.
2) The seed produces fruits. The seed in the man is the spirit of the man (1 Pet 1:23). The word of God regenerates your spirit to be become the seed of life in you
3) The Greek word translated fruit here is KARPOS which means plucked fruits.All the components of the fruit of the spirit are expressed in us via our spirit as energised by the Holy Spirit. Our spirit is the candle of God (Prov 20:27), which God uses to illuminate our lives